Sunday, 20 July 2014

Red Riding Hood Vest and KCW day 1, kind of...

So this season I've decided to sign up for KCW.  Finding the time to sew luckily isn't too difficult for me but may become more so now I'm back at work but making a commitment to sewing every day for a week has made me think about my sewing plans a bit more carefully.  Although the Season technically doesn't start until tomorrow I made a start today as I know I have a late night at work coming up on Thursday so will have to skip that day.  I'm hoping to blog each day about my efforts, so here goes...

On Saturday I went fabric shopping and found this gorgeous Kokka Red Riding Hood fabric.  It was an instabuy and I knew what I wanted to make with it.  I've made a Pixie Hooded Vest from BigLittle before and loved it and knew it would be perfect for this fabric.  I lined it with flannelette like I did with my last version for some warmth.

The pattern is well written and fairly straightforward.  It  is also super cute with the pointed pixie hood and pleated back.  The last one I made came together very quickly but I kept making silly mistakes with this one so it took twice as long as it should have.

First I basted the button loop on the armhole seam instead of the front, but only realised after I'd sewn the front seam.  Luckily I'd sewn with a basting stitch so it wasn't too hard to undo.  Then I didn't enclose the edge of the hood in the seam so had to do that same seam AGAIN!

Frustrations aside it has turned out really well.  A pretty good start to the week.


  1. I love this fabric! I have a little stash of it but not quite sure what I want it for yet... I'm sure inspiration will come one day :)

  2. It is super cute! I knew as soon as I saw it I was going to have to get some. Good luck with your inspiration. I know I've got some fabrics in my stash I like so much and think it would be perfect for so many things, I can never decide what to make so it just sits on the shelf :)
